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Java Premium

do Selection Sort in java using function

The selection sort algorithm sorts an array by repeatedly finding the minimum element (considering ascending order) from unsorted part and p...
Java Premium

do bubble sort in java using function

Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in wrong order. Example: F...
Java Premium

Java Program to Calculate the Power of a Number

In this program, you'll learn to calculate the power of a number with and without using pow() function. Example 1: Calculate power of a ...
Java Premium

Java Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

In this program, you'll learn to count the number of digits using a while loop and for loop in Java. Example 1: Count Number of Digits i...
Java Premium

Java Program to Reverse a Number

In this program, you'll learn to reverse a number using a while loop and a for loop in Java. Example: Reverse a Number using a while loo...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

In this program, you'll learn to find the largest among three numbers using if else and nested if..else statement in Java. Example 1: Fi...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find LCM of two Numbers

In this program, you'll learn to find the lcm of two number by using GCD, and by not using GCD. This is done using for and while loops i...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find GCD of two Numbers

In this program, you'll learn to find GCD of two numbers in Kotlin. This is done by using for and while loops with the help of if else s...
Java Premium

Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd

In this program, you'll learn to check if a number entered by an user is even or odd. This will be done using if...else statement and te...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion

In this program, you'll learn to find the sum of natural number using recursion in Java. This is done with the help of a recursive funct...
Java Premium

Java Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers

In this program, you'll learn to calculate the sum of natural numbers using for loop and while loop in Java. The positive numbers 1, 2, ...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number

Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number In this program, you'll learn to find the factorial of a number using for and while loop in J...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number Using Recursion

In this program, you'll learn to find and display the factorial of a number using a recursive function in Java. The factorial of a posit...
Java Premium

Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative

In this program, you'll learn to check whether a given number is positive or negative. This is done by using a if else statement in Java...
Java Premium

Java Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers

In this program, you'll learn to check whether a given number can be expressed as a sum of two prime numbers or not. This is done with t...
Java Premium

Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals

Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals In this program, you'll learn to display prime numbers between two given int...
Java Premium

Java Program to Display Characters from A to Z using loop

Java Program to Display Characters from A to Z using loop In this program, you'll learn to print English alphabets using for loop in Jav...
Java Premium

Java Program to Find ASCII Value of a character

In this program, you'll learn to find and display the ASCII value of a character in Java. This is done using type-casting and normal var...
Java Premium

write a program in Java to Convert Character to String and Vice-Versa

In this program, you'll learn to convert a character (char) to a string and vice-versa in Java. Method 1: public class CharString  { pub...
Java Premium

write a program in Java Program to Find the Frequency of Character in a String

In this program, you'll learn to find the occurrence (frequency) of a character in a given string. Program: import java.util.*; public c...
Java Premium

write a program in Java to input a line to Count the Number of vowels, consonants, digits and spaces in a given sentence

In this program, you'll learn to count the number of vowels, consonants, digits and spaces in a given sentence using if else in Java. Pr...
Java Premium

write a Program in java to input a character and Check Whether an Alphabet is Vowel or Consonant

In this program, you'll learn to check whether an alphabet is a vowel or a consotant using if..else and switch statement in Java. Progra...
Java Premium

Write A Program In Java Accept A Number From The User And Check Whether It Is A Automorphic Number Or Not Using pure(Return) Function.

An Automorphic number is a number whose square ends with the same digits as the original number.  E.g – 25, 76, 376 etc. Program: import jav...
Java Premium

Write A Program In Java Accept A Number From The User And Check Whether It Is A Automorphic Number Or Not using impure(non-return) function.

An Automorphic number is a number whose square ends with the same digits as the original number.  E.g – 25, 76, 376 etc. Steps to Check Auto...
Java Premium

write a Program in java accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Automorphic number or not.

An Automorphic number is a number whose square ends with the same digits as the original number.  E.g – 25, 76, 376 etc. Steps to Check Auto...
Java Premium

Write A Program In Java To Accept A Number From The User And Check Whether It Is A Perfect Number Or Not Using pure (Return) Function.

Perfect number – a number is called a Perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself. Example: 6 = 1 +...
Java Premium

write a program in java to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Perfect number or not using impure (non-return) function.

Perfect number – a number is called a Perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself. Example: 6 = 1 +...
Java Premium

write a Program in java to accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Perfect number or not.

Perfect number – a number is called a Perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself. Example: 6 = 1 +...
Java Premium

write a program in java input a number and check Pronic Number (Heteromecic Number) or not.

Question: Write a Program in Java to input a number and check whether it is a Pronic Number or Heteromecic Number or not. Pronic Number : A...
Java Premium

Java Math Abs() Round() Ceil() Floor() Min() Methods with Example

Java has had several advanced usage application including working with complex calculations in physics, architecture/designing of structures...

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