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write a Program in java accept a number from the user and check whether it is a Automorphic number or not.

An Automorphic number is a number whose square ends with the same digits as the original number. 

E.g – 25, 76, 376 etc.

Steps to Check Automorphic Number :
  1. Take a number as input (num).
  2. Square the number (sqr).
  3. Count the number of digits of (num) using while loop (c).
  4. Compare the last (c) digits of (sqr) with the (num).
  5. If they are equal then the number is Automorphic else not.
import java.util.*; 
public class Automorphic 
  public static void main(String args[])
    int n,c=0,sqr=1,temp,lastSquareDigits;
        Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter a number");
        n= sc.nextInt();
        sqr = n*n;
        if(n == lastSquareDigits)
        System.out.println("Automorphic number");
        System.out.println("Not an Automorphic number");
Enter a number
Automorphic number
Enter a number
Not an Automorphic number

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